VIDEO WINDOW as a guest at VIA, Basel
Video Art in Dialogue
Series of three events with screenings und artists' talks
Fri 17 January, Fri 24 January and Fri 31 January 2025

(Image: Muda Mathis & Sus Zwick, Vague Elements Workshop, 2023; design: Iza Hren)

Video Art in Dialogue

VIDEO WINDOW presents, in cooperation with the legendary studio community VIA, nine well-known artistic positions from Basel and Zurich. During three evening events entitled Video Art in Dialogue, each position shows a recent work for discussion.

The aim of the events is to comparatively debate artistic interests, strategies and forms of expression exemplified by the videos and a workshop-like dialogue between the artists, the curator and the public and to jointly discover the multifaceted nature of video art.

Furthermore, a special issue of the _957 Independent Art Magazine, which has been published by the Lucerne artist Stephan Wittmer since 2012, appears as a publication and programme booklet for the series.

Each evening concludes with the opportunity to continue the discussion and to network over a plate of pasta at the venue.


Friday, 17 Januar 2025, 18:30–22:00

  • Quynh DongBiển đen với cá vàng (Black Sea with Goldfish), 2021
  • Jannik Giger, Lamento, 2024
  • Marianne Halter & Mario Marchisella, Old Town New Town, 2023

Friday, 24 January 2025, 18:30–22:00

  • Judith Albert, Côte de Granit Rose (Pink Granite Coast), 2024
  • Françoise Caraco, Zofinger Luft (A Sense of Zofingen), 2023
  • Christoph Oertli, Aufzeichnung (Recording), 2025

Friday, 31 January 2025, 18:30–22:00

  • Susanne Hofer, Irrlichtern (Itinerant Illumination), 2022
  • Muda Mathis & Sus Zwick, Vage Elemente Werkstatt (Vague Elements Worshop), 2023
  • Max Philipp Schmid, Membran (Membrane), 2019

Curatorship: Bruno Z'Graggen, VIDEO WINDOW

Venue: VIA, Amerbachstrasse 55a, 4057 Basel (link)

Entrance free


With the friendly support of

Kanton Basel-Stadt Kultur, Stiftung temperatio, Gottfried und Ursula Schäppi-Jecklin Stiftung, Stanley Thomas Johnson Stiftung, Ernst Göhner Stiftung, Stiftung Erna und Curt Burgauer, Casimir Eigensatz Stiftung