VIDEO WINDOW Focus – Artist's talk
Georgette Maag: Smoke on the Water. Video installation, photography
Solo exhibition: Galerie am Platz, Eglisau
Opening: Sun 12 January 2025, 11:00-13:00
Duration: 12 January until 8 February 2025
Finissage & artist's talk: Sat 8 February 2025, 15:00
Georgette Maag, Smoke on the Water, 2025 (video still)
The well-known Zurich artist Georgette Maag (*1955 Zurich), who works with video, installation, photography, performance and drawing, is presenting her new 2-channel video installation entitled Smoke on the Water in Eglisau. This originated from a one-month residency in Bogliasco near Genoa in 2023 at the Bogliasco Centre of the renowned American Bogliasco Foundation. The work is accompanied by other videos, video sculptures and photographs, most of them are recent works. The exhibition closes with the artist's talk between the artist and Bruno Z'Graggen, curator of VIDEO WINDOW.
Duration of the exhibition: 13 January until 8 February 2025
Finissage & Artist's Talk, Georgette Maag and Bruno Z'Graggen, curator VIDEO WINDOW: Sat 8 February 2025, 15:00
VIDEO WINDOW as a guest at VIA, Basel
Video Art in Dialogue
Series of three events with screenings und artists' talks
Fri 17 January, Fri 24 January and Fri 31 January 2025
(Image: Muda Mathis & Sus Zwick, Vague Elements Workshop, 2023; design: Iza Hren)
Video Art in Dialogue
VIDEO WINDOW presents, in cooperation with the legendary studio community VIA, nine well-known artistic positions from Basel and Zurich. During three evening events entitled Video Art in Dialogue, each position shows a recent work for discussion.
The aim of the events is to comparatively debate artistic interests, strategies and forms of expression exemplified by the videos and a workshop-like dialogue between the artists, the curator and the public and to jointly discover the multifaceted nature of video art.
Furthermore, a special issue of the _957 Independent Art Magazine, which has been published by the Lucerne artist Stephan Wittmer since 2012, appears as a publication and programme booklet for the series.
Each evening concludes with the opportunity to continue the discussion and to network over a plate of pasta at the venue.
Kanton Basel-Stadt Kultur, Stiftung temperatio, Gottfried und Ursula Schäppi-Jecklin Stiftung, Stanley Thomas Johnson Stiftung, Ernst Göhner Stiftung, Stiftung Erna und Curt Burgauer, Casimir Eigensatz Stiftung
VIDEO WINDOW @ FUSO INSULAR 2024 – Video art festival in the Azores, Ponta Delgada
Thu 24 October 2024, 21:30, Igreja do Colegio (Museu Carlos Machado)
Dias & Riedweg: From Rio de Janeiro into Amazonia and beyond
Invited by FUSO INSULAR 2024, VIDEO WINDOW presents at the video art festival in the Azores a programme entitled From Rio de Janeiro into Amazonia and beyond with three video works by the internationally renowned Brazilian-Swiss artist duo Dias & Riedweg based in Rio de Janeiro: two older ones, Funk Staden (2007) and The Mirror and the Dusk (2011), followed by the latest one The Reverse of Heaven (Port.: O Avesso do Céu, 2023).
After the Videoex Festival Zurich 2024 and FUSO 2024 Video art festival (16th edition) in Lisbon, the programme will be shown in the Azores for the third time. FUSO INSULAR has existed since 2019 and happens two months after the main festival in Lisbon by showing a selection.
Date: Thu 24 October 2024, 21:30
Location: Igreja do Colegio (Museu Carlos Machado)
Funk Staden, 2007
Video HD, colour, sound, P, 13:38 min.
The Mirror and the Dusk, 2011
Video HD, colour, sound, 8:42 min.
Trailer: The Reverse of Heaven, 2023; video 4K, colour, sound, P/Esp/e, 38:00 min.
VIDEO WINDOW @ FUSO 2024 – Video Art Festival, 16th Edition, Lisbon
Sat 31 August 2024, 22:00, Palácio Galveias
Dias & Riedweg: From Rio de Janeiro into Amazonia and beyond
Invited by FUSO 2024, VIDEO WINDOW presents at the video art festival a programme entitled From Rio de Janeiro into Amazonia and beyond with three video works by the internationally renowned Brazilian-Swiss artist duo Dias & Riedweg based in Rio de Janeiro: two older ones, Funk Staden (2007) and The Mirror and the Dusk (2011), followed by the latest one The Reverse of Heaven (Port.: O Avesso do Céu, 2023). After the Videoex Festival Zurich 2024, the programme will be shown in Lisbon for the second time inclusive Q&A with artists and curator.
Date: Sat 31 August 2024, 22:00
Location: Palácio Galveias
Q&A: Mauricio Dias & Walter Riedweg, Bruno Z'Graggen
VIDEO WINDOW Focus – Interview
Susanne Hofer: «as it happens»
Solo exhibition: Kunst im Trudelhaus, Baden
26 April until 23 June 2024
Finissage: Sun, 23 June 2024, 3-5 pm, in the presence of the artist
VIDEO WINDOW conducted an interview with the artist on the occasion of Susanne Hofer's solo exhibition as it happens in Baden in the Trudelhaus, based on a dialogue-based tour of the exhibition. Linked to this is a recommendation to visit the wonderful exhibition, which mainly consists of four room-filling installations and follows the leitmotiv as it happens. Susanne Hofer (*1970, Lucerne) is a nationally recognised and multi-award-winning video artist who lives in Zurich. She works with video, photography and objects, often in the form of installations.
Special VIDEO WINDOW @ Videoex, Experimental Film & Video Festival Zurich, 26th Edition 2024
Dias & Riedweg, The Reverse of Heaven, 2023 (international premiere)
Friday, 24 May 2024, 19:30, incl. Q & A in the presence of the artists
VIDEO WINDOW is pleased to present the new video work The Reverse of Heaven (Port.: O Avesso do Céu, 2023) by the well-known Brazilian-Swiss artist duo Dias & Riedweg as an international premiere in Zurich at the Videoex Festival 2024 after presentations in Brazil.
The essay-like work tells of the neo-colonial exploitation in the Amazon region with political impetus and skilfully interweaves three spheres into a dense and powerful composition: the endangered indigenous culture, the illegal wood industry and the penetrating evangelical missionary work.
The film is preceded by two older videos by the duo: Funk Staden (2007) and The Mirror and the Dusk (2011), which show locations in Rio de Janeiro's favelas, address difficult living environments and clichés.
The Reverse of Heaven, 2023
Video 4K, colour, sound, P/Esp/e, 38:00 min.
Screening programme (duration: 60:20 min.)
Funk Staden, 2007
Video HD, colour, sound, P, 13:38 min.
The Mirror and the Dusk, 2011
Video HD, colour, sound, 8:42 min.
The Reverse of Heaven, 2023
Video 4K, colour, sound, P/Esp/e, 38:00 min.
15 February until 8 March 2024. Galeria da Kulungwana, Maputo (Mozambique): «RICARDO RANGEL: ENTREGUE ÀS PAIXÕES». The exhibition and homage to Ricardo Rangel includes the presentation of the documentary «NO FLASH. Homage to Ricardo Rangel» by Bruno Z'Graggen and Angelo Sansone (2012)
Ricardo Rangel (15.02.1924–11.06.2009)
Ricardo Rangel was one of the most important photographers in sub-Saharan Africa at the time. The exhibition «Ricardo Rangel: Surrendered to passions» at the gallery of Kulungwana curated by Jorge Dias (Dir. of the Centro Cultural Brasil-Moçambique / Instituto Guimarães Rosa, Maputo) pays tribute to the centenary of the birth of Ricardo Rangel (1924–2009). It provides a unique opportunity to reflect on Rangel's significant contribution to photography and photojournalism in Mozambique. Each image in the exhibition bears witness to the many passions that drove Ricardo Rangel: his passion for freedom, justice, love and humanity.
Bruno Z'Graggen curated in cooperation with the photographer Grant Lee Neuenburg (Maputo) the exhibition «Iluminando Vidas. Fotografia Moçambicana 1950–2001. Ricardo Rangel & the Next Generation»(incl. catalogue),which was shown 2002 at Photoforum PasquArt in Bienne (Switzerland) followed by a presentation 2003 in Maputo at the Galeria de Associação Moçambicana de Fotografia (AMF), both in presence of Ricardo Rangel, and many other venues in Europe and Africa.
The curator Bruno Z'Graggen realized together with the film-maker and producer Angelo Sansone (Zurich) a documentary and homage on Ricardo Rangel entitled «NO FLASH. Homage to Ricardo Rangel». The film had its world premiere on 22 March 2012 in Maputo at the Centro Cultural Franco-Mozambicano (CCFM). «NO FLASH» is shown during the exhibition at Galeria of Kulungwana. Screening venues, 2012–2014
VIDEO WINDOW as a guest in Lucerne, Zurich and Basel
Kunsthalle Luzern & stattkino Luzern: Sat 28 Oct, 4 Nov and 11 Nov 2023
Kunstraum Walcheturm, Zurich: Sat 18 Nov 2023
Stadtkino Basel: Fri 24 Nov 2023
Thrill Me. The Power & Magic of Music in Video Art
International screening programme with three parts
(Image: Una Szeemann, Thrill Me, 2004; Design: Iza Hren)
The video art platform VIDEO WINDOW will be staying as a guest in Lucerne, Zurich and Basel in October and November 2023. In cooperation with Kunsthalle Luzern, stattkino Luzern, Kunstraum Walcheturm and Stadtkino Basel, it presents Thrill Me. The Power & Magic of Music in Video Art, an international screening programme with three parts and one video each by 23 well-known positions, twelve from Switzerland and eleven from abroad. The fascinating multifaceted programme sheds light on the fundamental importance of music in video art and shows an exciting arc with works from the 1990s to the present. The screenings take place in the presence of some of the artists, in Lucerne followed by artists' talks.
Kunsthalle Luzern, LuzernPlus Kulturförderung, Stadt Zürich Kultur, Kanton Basel-Stadt Kultur, Stadt Thun, Swisslos Kultur Kanton Bern, Jacqueline Spengler Stiftung, Stiftung Temperatio, Stanley Thomas Johnson Stiftung, Markant Stiftung, Gottfried und Ursula Schäppi-Jecklin Stiftung, Dr. Georg und Josi Guggenheim Stiftung, Stiftung Erna und Curt Burgauer, Casimir Eigensatz Stiftung
VIDEO WINDOW as guest at Zimmermannhaus Brugg – Documentary Film Days of Brugg, 14–17 September 2023
Christoph Oertli, Superposition, 2022
Video HD, single-channel, colour, sound, without dialogue, 22 min., loop, 16:9
VIDEO WINDOW as a guest at Zimmermannhaus Brugg presents Superposition, the new work by the prominent Swiss video artist Christoph Oertli (Basel), as a contribution to the Brugg Documentary Film Festival 2023. Following its première at the Videoex Experimental Film & Video Festival Zurich 2022, this is the first opportunity to see the work exhibited in a contemporary artistic context.
The artist is present at the opening: Thu 14 September 2023, 6–8pm
Opening hours: Fri 15.09. 2:30–8pm, Sat 16.09. 11am–8pm, Sun 17.09. 11am–6pm
Free admission
Special VIDEO WINDOW as a guest @ Videoex, Experimental Film & Video Festival Zurich, 25th Edition 2023
Friday, 26 May 2023, 19:30, Festival Cinema Z3
Followed by Q & A
In 2023, VIDEO WINDOW shows six works of Swiss artist Doris Schmid. They comprise films from the beginnings of her engagement with video until today, among it one of her main works: Es gibt kein Geheimnis (There is no Secret, 2014). Her works are characterized by a spatial-installative setting, a proximity to experimental film as well as collaborations with musicians and actresses.
Doris Schmid, Es gibt kein Geheimnis (There is no Secret), 2014
Doris Schmid, It's all a Dream, 2021
VIDEO WINDOW as guest at CAFÉ DES ARTS, Kunsthalle Winterthur
Wednesday, 18 January 2023, 19:30
Muda Mathis / Sus Zwick and Christoph Oertli
Video art: Media developments and artistic interests
Screening of excerpts and talk
(Design e-flyer: Iza Hren)
The curator Bruno Z’Graggen joins the artist duo Muda Mathis / Sus Zwick and the video artist Christoph Oertli from Basel to discuss subjects ranging from technological advances in the medium of video to artistic interests and strategies. The event will seek to reflect, clearly and vividly, upon the characteristics of video art while also offering insights into the artistic processes of the guests, whose pioneering influence upon artistic production in Switzerland stretches back over more than 30 years.
Screening of excerpts and talk
Bruno Z'Graggen in conversation with Muda Mathis, Sus Zwick and Christoph Oertli
Wednesday, 18 January 2023, 19:30
Duration: 90 minutes, followed by bar and food